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Personal Growth and Learning

January 23, 2024
Each morning, my ritual begins with a reflection on gratitude—five things I am thankful for. Following that, I set intentions for the day ahead, contemplating how I want to feel and what accomplishments I hope to achieve. Back when I was running my store, the routine was straightforward; wake up, go to work. Now, with a different reality, finding a purpose has become more of a challenge. It's the quest for something meaningful that we can contribute to, a purpose that enriches our lives. 🙏

However, this morning was different. I awoke feeling an unsettling emptiness, a void where usually positive intentions would flow effortlessly. Negative thoughts began to form, that critical inner voice asking, "Who do you think you are?" It's that internal pessimist we all carry. 😞

Recognizing the potential downward spiral, I took immediate action. Rain gear on, I tuned into an inspiring podcast. Ed Mylett's words resonated deeply: "You were born to do something great with your life. You are enough." Tears welled up, emotions surfacing in response to these affirmations. Yet, hearing is different from believing.

Personal growth demands a continuous exploration of oneself. It's about peeling back the layers and nurturing a genuine relationship with oneself. It seems like today is about working on myself, about acknowledging that negative emotion as a cue for personal growth. 🫶

One avenue of my inner work is embracing vulnerability—sharing my daily learnings through these posts. Authenticity and making a difference top my values. By sharing my journey, my hope is that others may find solace or inspiration, realizing they're not alone. It's an ongoing commitment to personal growth—watering the garden of the self and allowing the spirit to bask in the light.🌞

Remember, personal growth is a lifelong journey. Embrace the process, keep learning, and never doubt your worthiness of these efforts.❤

Today’s #dailyriskchallenge is to actively look for opportunities to grow & learn. Feel free to share your findings to help inspire others #community 

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