Have you ever received a card on a special occasion that came with promises of time to be spent together at a later date? Something like…this card gives you one picnic in the park on a sunny day, or this gift is for dinner out at the place of your choice. Maybe you were lucky enough to receive a homemade coupon book filled with promises for back rubs, date nights or car washes. Well, I received just that card for Christmas last year from my son. Dearest Mother it starts, you get the gift of my time.
To give you some background, my son is 24 and lives with the love of his life. He has three jobs and he is volunteer search and rescue member. When I opened the card, I had that brief worry that this promise would be lost in time due to the business of life. But this week I got that all important text with a message that read…"make yourself free tomorrow". Well, you could imagine my delight, could it be my heartfelt Christmas promise was coming true? A trip to Clear Creek Hotsprings with wine & cheese, the card said, complete with scenic stops and snacks…START THE CAR!
The next day my son and I jumped into his 4 x 4 and hit the logging roads of East Harrison for our 14.8 mile off road adventure! Many of life's most cherished moments and experiences are created through the gift of time and this day was filled. His promise of time gave me one on one with the boy I watched grow into a man. Uninterrupted time to talk, listen, laugh and share, creating memories I will keep forever...priceless!
Sometimes our lives get so busy, and time just flies by before we realize how long it has been since we have really connected with family or friends. If you are an empty nester like me, you may hope each day that you will hear from your kids. It’s no lie that I grab my phone each morning to check to see if I have a message from my daughter who is currently living in Japan and is awake when I am asleep! Something, anything just to get a glimpse into her every day.
Spending time with loved ones is crucial for nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships. Quality time allows for bonding, deeper connection, and understanding between individuals. Time cannot be bought or replaced, sharing it is an invaluable gift. When you give the promise of your time, it means you value, appreciate and care for that person. I feel so very blessed that my son and I had this day together and that he made this promise to me.
This is your reminder to prioritize relationships and remember it's not about the amount of time spent, but rather the quality and intention behind it. Even short, sincere moments of connection can have a significant impact.
Is there someone in your life that you have yet to fill your promise of time?
Is there anyone who would feel immense joy if you gave them the gift of your time?
Thank you for taking the time to read this story, I hope it brings you value in creating the beautiful life you deserve.