Create a Beautiful Life

with Carrie Thachuk

About Me

Hi, I'm Carrie Thachuk, the creative soul behind The Passionate Home. Back in 2006, I embarked on a journey to create a haven for all things home, fashion, and education. The mission was simple but powerful: to help others create a beautiful life.

Fast forward to 2023, and I'm filled with gratitude for the incredible journey so far. Life is a constant evolution, and after much contemplation, I made the heartfelt decision to close our beloved retail store. It was time to embrace what's next.

For me, authenticity and making a difference are non-negotiable values. So, here on these pages, I'm sharing the unfolding chapters of my journey—marked by curiosity, positivity, and growth.  A journey of self-discovery with the desire to live a more intentional and beautiful life.  It's not just a story; it's an invitation for you to join me in this exploration.

Your presence, dear reader, is the most valuable resource. As we navigate this path together, your participation becomes the brushstrokes in our collective canvas of a beautiful life. It's a shared endeavor, and your company makes it all the more meaningful.

So, here's the call to action: Join me on this adventure! Follow my blog, be a part of the community, and let's create something beautiful together. Your company means the world to me, and I can't wait to share, learn, and grow with each and every one of you.

With gratitude,

 Carrie Thachuk

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By Carrie Lee Thachuk 15 Sep, 2024
It’s been on my heart to write about this for some time, but each time I try, my emotions take over, and the tears start to fall, blurring the words on the page. These aren’t tears of sorrow; they’re tears of immense joy and love. You see, my son Max just got married! I know there must be other moms out there who can relate to what I’m feeling right now. Twenty-five years ago, this amazing boy entered my life, filling it with a love that I never could have imagined. From the moment he was born, I knew our family was complete. He was so small, so perfect, and from the very beginning, he captured my heart. Over the years, we’ve shared a bond that has only grown stronger. We’ve faced challenges together, celebrated victories, and through it all, our relationship has remained rooted in love and respect. When Max turned 18, he was ready to explore the world, starting with a shared home on a mountain. I worried, as moms do—Was he safe? Was he taking care of himself? But even as he spread his wings, he kept coming back to me, whether it was for a home-cooked meal, (that my husband made of course) to do laundry, or just to share his latest adventure. Those moments reminded me that no matter how far he roamed, I would always be a part of his life. Parenting is an incredible journey, full of unexpected twists and turns. There’s no manual, no step-by-step guide. You do your best, and you hope that the love you pour into your child will guide them through life’s challenges. And then, one day, someone else comes into their life, and you realize that this is another chapter in the story—a beautiful chapter that adds depth and richness to their lives. I’ve found myself on an emotional rollercoaster lately, wondering if my parents felt the same way when Mike and I got married. Is it normal to feel this mix of happiness and confusion? Am I wrong to worry about what comes next? I know I’m not losing a son; I’m gaining a daughter. (and she is lovely) But I can’t help but wonder what it means to be a mother-in-law. Will he still need me? Will our relationship change? As I reflect on these emotions, I realize that they are rooted in love—the love I have for Max and the joy I feel as I see him step into this new phase of his life. It’s okay to feel conflicted, to have moments of doubt. What matters is that I choose to embrace this change with an open heart, welcoming the new experiences that lie ahead. Max, if you’re reading this, I want you to know how proud I am of the man you’ve become. My love for you is unwavering, and you will always have a special place in my heart. As you begin this new journey with your wife, know that I am here for you both. I’m not just your mom—I’m a part of your story, and I will continue to cheer you on, every step of the way. So, here’s to new beginnings, to love, and to the beautiful life you are creating together. May your journey be filled with joy, laughter, and endless love. xo mom
By Carrie Lee Thachuk 18 Aug, 2024
“We’re not in Kansas anymore”… the iconic line from the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz, but instead of Dorothy and Toto, it's me and Summit! This is how I feel, as I find myself in unfamiliar territory. After 20 years of being my own boss—having control and flexibility over my work activities, making all the decisions, setting my own hours, etc.—I am now in a new environment. Just like Dorothy sitting in her room before the tornado hit, I was at my laptop in my home office when a flash of color crossed my screen: JOB OPPORTUNITY, Lead Buyer Home & Garden Retail. Cue the storm! Suddenly, I was fantasizing about buying all sorts of beautiful things with someone else’s money. My mind was swirling. My husband always said I could never work for anyone else because I was too bossy. I needed a resume, and my last one was from 2006! But then something strange happened. The storm calmed, and an eerie peace settled over me. "You can do this," I told myself. "You have nothing to lose." I’m a successful business owner with a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. (Those self-help books are really paying off.) I downloaded an app, entered my information, and personally delivered my resume and cover letter. Have you ever had one of those moments where you're not sure what's happening, but you're right in the middle of it? Maybe similar to how Dorothy felt as the tornado lifted her house and dropped it into an unknown land. A few days later, I found myself at West Coast Gardens in South Surrey. My husband thinks it’s hilarious because I struggle to keep anything green alive. But fear not—the plant and flower side of the business isn't my strength; home décor and gifts are! Cue the set change: I am now working 9 – 5 (anyone remember that movie?). After owning my own business for years and working around the clock, adjusting to someone else’s schedule is interesting. I spend my days learning, listening, and realizing that I am still the boss—of ME! I feel confident, proud of myself, and very lucky to be surrounded by beauty every day, in both the flowers and the people. If you are experiencing a tornado in your life, maybe it is just providing you with the force you need for a set change. Creating a beautiful life has always been my mission, and I believe West Coast Gardens brings beauty to everyone who visits. If you've never been, please accept this as your personal invitation. And if you have any ideas of what you would like to see in the way of home décor, let me know (I’m the boss of that area)!! 😊
By Carrie Lee Thachuk 24 Jun, 2024
Do you remember the enchanting world of Narnia from C.S. Lewis's The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, first published in 1950? In this beloved tale, a magical wardrobe serves as a portal to a fantastical land, leading from the familiar to the extraordinary. It was this image that came to mind as I journeyed down a long, beautiful tree-lined driveway in Hope, arriving at my transformative three-day destination. The experience was nothing short of breathtaking, magical, and life changing. After closing my store and letting the dust settle, I found myself reflecting on my life. Though my life is wonderful, I longed for more happiness & purpose, yet I realized that the greatest obstacle was myself. Often, it’s our own mental roadblocks that prevent us from living a more intentional and authentic life. We all deserve to understand and nurture our inner selves, though the task can seem daunting. My negative beliefs were the chains holding me back from my true mission: creating a beautiful life for myself and inspiring others to do the same. Each new day I would wake hoping to find the strength or the “one” thing that would help me overcome my fears and feelings of unworthiness. I felt lost, alone and in need of guidance, so I reached out to my dear friends, Teresa and Jonathan Penner. I believe everything happens for a reason and at the right time. It was finally my moment to give myself the most precious gift: three days devoted entirely to self-care. Recently, I attended a three-day retreat hosted by LifeApp, a registered Canadian Charity created by my friends. This retreat promised a profound journey of self-discovery, offering tools to improve the quality of life and relationships. It sounded magical, and it truly was. The transformative power of the weekend took root within me and continues to grow. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity and proud of myself for prioritizing self-care. I also discovered that I was not alone in my quest, sharing this experience with over 40 other beautiful souls, each seeking to learn and grow. Through a series of shared processes, we each emerged with something unique and personal. For me, I recognized my worth, and now I am excited to continue living my life fearlessly. If you feel it’s your time, consider exploring this retreat. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. Even if you think you don’t need it, you deserve it. Take the leap. Step through the wardrobe. Embrace the magic of transformation. I’d love to connect with you and share more about my experience. Send me an email, and we’ll make it happen!
By Carrie Lee Thachuk 06 Apr, 2024
Have you ever received a card on a special occasion that came with promises of time to be spent together at a later date? Something like…this card gives you one picnic in the park on a sunny day, or this gift is for dinner out at the place of your choice. Maybe you were lucky enough to receive a homemade coupon book filled with promises for back rubs, date nights or car washes. Well, I received just that card for Christmas last year from my son. Dearest Mother it starts, you get the gift of my time. To give you some background, my son is 24 and lives with the love of his life. He has three jobs and he is volunteer search and rescue member. When I opened the card, I had that brief worry that this promise would be lost in time due to the business of life. But this week I got that all important text with a message that read…"make yourself free tomorrow". Well, you could imagine my delight, could it be my heartfelt Christmas promise was coming true? A trip to Clear Creek Hotsprings with wine & cheese, the card said, complete with scenic stops and snacks…START THE CAR! The next day my son and I jumped into his 4 x 4 and hit the logging roads of East Harrison for our 14.8 mile off road adventure! Many of life's most cherished moments and experiences are created through the gift of time and this day was filled. His promise of time gave me one on one with the boy I watched grow into a man. Uninterrupted time to talk, listen, laugh and share, creating memories I will keep forever...priceless! Sometimes our lives get so busy, and time just flies by before we realize how long it has been since we have really connected with family or friends. If you are an empty nester like me, you may hope each day that you will hear from your kids. It’s no lie that I grab my phone each morning to check to see if I have a message from my daughter who is currently living in Japan and is awake when I am asleep! Something, anything just to get a glimpse into her every day. Spending time with loved ones is crucial for nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships. Quality time allows for bonding, deeper connection, and understanding between individuals. Time cannot be bought or replaced, sharing it is an invaluable gift. When you give the promise of your time, it means you value, appreciate and care for that person. I feel so very blessed that my son and I had this day together and that he made this promise to me. This is your reminder to prioritize relationships and remember it's not about the amount of time spent, but rather the quality and intention behind it. Even short, sincere moments of connection can have a significant impact. Is there someone in your life that you have yet to fill your promise of time? Is there anyone who would feel immense joy if you gave them the gift of your time? Thank you for taking the time to read this story, I hope it brings you value in creating the beautiful life you deserve.
By Carrie Lee Thachuk 18 Mar, 2024
Where do I even start? I took a hobby and built it into a successful and thriving business that fed my soul, and many others for 17 years. Last year I took an epic adventure in New Zealand with my husband and kids. We rented a Range Rover Defender with two roof top tents and hit the glorious roads of the South Island. Our daughter and her partner had created a 16-day road trip itinerary that took us from Queenstown down to Invercargill, the southernmost city on the South Island to Kaikoura. The five of us lived side by side (literally), all while experiencing places high in the air like Fox Glacier and low underground in the Clifden Caves. We swam in the Tasman Sea and explored the miracles of Milford Sound. We stood on the famous spherical Moeraki Boulders and my daughter taught me how to surf. I could go on as it truly was a trip of a lifetime. Life is such an incredible gift and upon returning home I just knew deep in my soul that I wanted more out of my life. As blessed as I am to go to work every day doing what I loved, I felt a sort of calling. Fast forward a few months and I am staring 55 in the face. In the 1980’s the concept of “Freedom 55” was born, does anyone remember? The goal was to retire and be financially set at the age of 55. Well for me, Freedom 55 means something totally different. I want to be free to see what else is out there for me to explore. I stepped out of my comfort zone, closed my business and stepped into freedom. Freedom is a powerful word with many meanings. Freedom can lead you away from yourself or to yourself. I am finding you need to have some real strength within you to control freedom. I made this huge decision in my life, and I don’t want to waste it, but I will be honest with you, I don’t always feel worthy of this freedom. I am currently reading Jamie Kern Lima’s book Worthy and this morning I turned the page to Chapter 19 titled Transformations. In this chapter she talks about the journey of transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly…. metamorphosis. She explained something I did not know that during metamorphosis the caterpillar completely dissolves into liquid inside the cocoon. It eventually develops and transforms. Its wings take shape, and it emerges through the cocoon. It emerges from the cocoon with wet wings, unable to fly. It's tremendously vulnerable and it does what it needs to survive. If it makes it through, and its wings dry and it spreads them and they start to flap, it can fly away to its future. I think I am going through a transformation in life. I remember turning 50 and my husband and I were empty nesters. I remember thinking I was going to write a book called “WTF Happens after 50”! Today maybe my book should be called “Freedom 55 or Midlife Crisis”? In the book From Strength to Strength by Arthur Brooks, chapter 7 is titled Starting your Vanaprastha. He talks about the ancient Indian teaching that a proper life must be lived in four stages- these are the ashramas. Ideally, ashramas last twenty-five years each. I had never heard of this before but found it very interesting and reassuring that what I am going through and maybe you too, is normal. I am entering into the third stage of life, the Vanaprastha, which comes from Sanskrit words meaning “retiring” and “into the forest”. This is the stage you begin to pull back from your old personal duties, step away from your four walls and enter into the forest or garden of life. Realizing your own mortality, it is time to look inward, to have faith and to connect with the world around you. This is how I interpret it anyway. It is a transformation similar to the butterfly, not easy but worth it. When life gets you down and things get difficult remember that so often our greatest victories come after our most difficult seasons of transformation, and you are worthy of the journey.
By Carrie Lee Thachuk 21 Feb, 2024
The last race I ran was 5 years ago and in 2021 I was unable to walk due to a popping sound in my knee while hiking. It was discovered that I had degenerative meniscus. I will never forget how helpless I felt or forget the promises I made myself while sitting on the couch day after day waiting for doctor’s appointments and later physiotherapy. I think we all make promises to ourselves about making changes when faced with a difficult challenge. Why do we wait to have something taken away before we realize its great value? It was back in October 2023 that I announced my “Day One”. Twelve days after the store had closed, I set myself up to take action on creating the next chapter of my life. What I knew for sure was that I needed to get moving and to take action, so I bought myself some new runners and set a goal to get outdoors every day in preparation for a 5km run in Fort Langley that would take place the following February. What an opportunity to overcome the limitations in my mind about my knee and my mental wellbeing. Goals provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. They give you something to strive for, helping you focus your time, energy, and resources on activities that align with your values and aspirations. Can I just share with you that had I not had a purpose every day, I may have started feeling sorry for myself. How easily that inner critic can turn up the volume. Step by step, and day by day, Summit and I would explore parks and trails, evolving from walks to power walks, and eventually, from one hesitant minute of jogging to an empowering 20 minutes. The journey was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, proving that progress is born not from giant leaps, but from consistent, determined steps forward. This story celebrates the transformative power of goal setting. It's a reminder that even in the face of adversity, we can reclaim our sense of direction, purpose, and happiness. Goals are not just destinations; they are the milestones that mark our journey towards a beautiful life. So, if you find yourself at the starting line of change, remember that every step you take is a victory, and with unwavering determination, you can overcome any challenge. Today is your day one – take that first step, and know that a brighter, more fulfilling future awaits. You've got this, your finish line awaits, and the world is cheering you on! I'm curious to know if there's something specific, you're looking forward to achieving or improving in your life. Care to share? Send me an email, Summit and I are here to cheer you on!
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